America's 911 Foundation
The 2024 Scholarships will be for Seventeen - $2,000 awards
Who can Apply, anyone who's parent or themselves is an Active First Reponder.
To Apply you must create an Account
When you create the initial account you will be provided a
Specal Number - Remember it, write it down with your Password.
Once the basic information is entered you will be automatically redirected to the login page
If not Login at
Once you login, you will be presented a control page
There are a few more steps to fill out, then upload your essay to be completed.
Everything Must be Completed by March 10, 2024
(the system will suspend all accounts at 2200-eastern time on 10 March 2024)
- You choose to wait until the last minutes -
Please do this early!
The Essay:
Interview a First Responder in your community (non-family member) |
1. Write a story about them |
2. What led them to their career in first responding. |
3. What about their experiences hardest/best |
4. What do they hope for future generations in first responder careers. |
*The uploaded essay can only be in .pdf(s),
.doc or .docx formats
Limit the essay to (250-500 words)
The Essay needs to be constructed with the following type
New Roman Times or Arial; 12pt; 1.5 spaces between each line.
Suggestions: Applications will be rated on grammar, spelling, punctuation,
content and appearance.
Grammar and spelling are very important.
Scholarship FAQ